Singing Guide: Great Big Sea

Singing Guide: Great Big Sea

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Find Your Vocal Range

Before you start practicing singing like Alan Doyle, you must determine your vocal range. The singing range refers to the sequence of notes that you can sing comfortably. Try the Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test to discover your voice type, vocal range, and how it compares to other famous singers.

Warm-up with Farinelli Breathing Exercise

Great Big Sea's music is high-energy, and a proper warm-up is essential to match the band's energy. One of the best warm-up exercises to do is the Farinelli Breathing Exercise. This drill involves breathing into the diaphragm and holding the breath for a few seconds, then exhaling slowly. This exercise helps to improve your breathing control and posture.

Develop Your Chest Voice

Alan Doyle uses his chest voice to create the rich, vibrant sound that characterizes his singing style. Practice exercises to develop your chest voice, such as the Singing Comfort Zone video tutorial. This will help you produce the right balance of resonances and harmonics to create his signature sound.

Vocal Control with Twang and Vocal Distortion

Alan Doyle's vocal control is impressive. He uses an advanced technique called "twang" to produce piercing high notes, such as in the song "When I am King." For example, try out Singing Carrots' How to Twang Exercise. Vocal distortion, like growling and distortion, is a signature technique of Alan Doyle's singing style. Check out Singing Carrots' Vocal Distortion and Growling video tutorial to learn this singing technique.

Songs to Practice

To hone your singing, practice singing some of Alan Doyle's famous songs. Known for great ballads like "Ordinary Day," "Sea of No Cares," and "When I Am King." Take your time to understand the message, pace, and vocal pitch of these songs. The Singing Carrots Search songs by vocal range feature is an excellent database of quality song arrangements that you can filter by your vocal range and preferred music genre.


Singing like Alan Doyle requires practice, dedication and, most importantly, finding your unique style. The Singing Carrots platform has tools such as voice range tests, singing courses, and exercises to improve your voice. With the tips shared in this article, you'll be well on your way to singing like Alan Doyle and creating your unique style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.